Join or Renew Your UAM Alumni Membership

* indicates required fields.


*First Name:    

*Last Name:    

Maiden Name (if applicable):    

Graduation Date/Year Last Attended:   (yyyy)

Degree & Major:  

Spouse's Name (if applicable):  

*Home Address (line 1):  

Home Address (line 2):    

*Home City:    

*Home State:  

*Home Zip:     

Business Name:    

Business Address (line 1):  

Business Address (line 2):  

Business City:   

Business State:

Business Zip:    

* E-Mail Address:

This is my (personal/business) e-mail address

*Phone:   (ex. 999-999-9999)

Work Phone:   (ex. 999-999-9999)

Annual Alumni Association Membership options:
$30 Individual, $50 Couple

Lifetime Alumni Association Membership options:
$750 Household under the age of 55,
$500 Household with at least one member 55 or over.

Select level of association:  

Confidentiality Statement:
The University of Arkansas at Monticello is very concerned with the security of financial information and transactions on the Internet. The information submitted on this form is protected by a secure server. Information submitted on this form is for the use of UAM only and will not be shared with any outside individuals.


Please call or write the Office of Advancement at:

P.O. Box 3520
Monticello, AR 71656
