Bachelor of Science Degrees
If you’re interested in careers that will take you outdoors, and don’t mind getting a little dirt under your fingernails, take a look at Forestry, Agriculture, and Natural Resources at UAM. Known widely as the best Forestry program in Arkansas, UAM offers bachelor’s degrees in Natural Resources Management; Agriculture; Land Surveying; and Pre-Vet Emphasis; associates degrees in Agriculture; Land Surveying; and Applied Science in Forest Technology; as well as a graduate (master’s) degree in Forest Resources.
Whatever path you choose at UAM, you’ll encounter highly-regarded professors, experienced mentors, and practical programs that can help advance your knowledge in the field and place you on a promising career track.
In demand, right out of college.
Nearly 90% of forestry graduates get recruited and/or hired to desirable positions immediately after college. Here are just a few of the many paths taken by our alumni.
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