Jessica Foxworth Named UAM Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement and Dean of Students

Jessica Foxworth Named UAM Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement and Dean of Students

Jessica Foxworth

The University of Arkansas at Monticello has announced the appointment of Jessica L. Foxworth as the associate vice chancellor for Student Engagement and dean of students.

Foxworth joins the Student Engagement leadership team at UAM with over twenty years of experience in higher education. Her experience in student affairs is broad, and she offers a deep understanding of how the work in Student Engagement connects to recruitment, retention and student success. She is a student-orientated leader with enthusiasm, intrinsic motivation and an earnest desire to prepare students for professional success. She grew up in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and graduated from Arkansas State University in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in communications degree. She earned a Master of Science in sports administration management degree in 2004 from Henderson State University. 

Foxworth is experienced in fostering inclusive programs and communities and partnering with colleagues to identify and remove systematic barriers. She has managed an array of student affairs-related programs and facilities during her career and brings extensive experience in functional areas such as housing and residence life, student leadership, orientation, crisis management, student rights and responsibilities and Title IX.

Foxworth says she looks forward to the opportunities and challenges of her new position, stating, “I am excited and humbled to step into this role and partner with UAM students, faculty, staff and leadership. I value the intentionality behind the focus on Student Engagement at UAM under Dr. Doss’s leadership, and I am committed to the work that impacts our students’ ability to find success as they navigate their UAM educational journey.”

Foxworth’s appointment began on November 21, 2022.
