UAM-CTC Holds 2024 Commencement Exercises

UAM-CTC Holds 2024 Commencement Exercises

UAM-CTC 2024 Commencement

The University of Arkansas at Monticello College of Technology-Crossett (UAM-CTC) held its 2024 commencement exercises on Thursday, June 27, at the Crossett High School Arena.

Jacob Griffith, a student ambassador and 2024 graduate receiving an advanced certificate in electromechanical instrumentation technology and an Associate of Applied Science in industrial technology, gave the invocation. Blake McMullin, a 2024 graduate receiving an advanced certificate in electromechanical instrumentation technology and an Associate of Applied Science in industrial technology, led the Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem.

Over 100 graduates were recognized with the awarding of technical certificates and Associate of Applied Science degrees in the following programs: Early Childhood Education, Electromechanical Technology, Electromechanical-Instrumentation, General Technology, Health Information Technology, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology, Hospitality Services, Industrial Technology, Practical Nursing and Welding Technology. Diplomas were also presented to completers of the Adult Education program who earned their GEDs.

Students were also recognized for their membership in the National Technical Honor Society, their role as student ambassadors and their attainment of National Readiness Certificates.

UAM-CTC recognized its 2024 Outstanding Alumnus, Zachary Meeks. Meeks graduated from UAM-CTC in 2007 from the Electromechanical Technology-Instrumentation program. He advised graduates to always challenge themselves and never get complacent, stating, “Progress takes place when you get out of your comfort zone. Don’t let the thought of where you start get in the way of where you plan to end.”

Dr. Tracy Tucker, vice chancellor of UAM-CTC, acknowledged the graduates’ families and friends in attendance, stating, “We know that anytime an accomplishment like this occurs, it is often the result of teamwork, support, encouragement and commitment from a village of people. A village is represented here tonight. To each and every member of those villages, we thank you.”

Dr. Peggy Doss, chancellor of UAM, congratulated the graduates, stating, “Today truly marks a significant milestone in your academic and professional journey, and it's our honor to celebrate with you. Your dedication, hard work and perseverance have led you to where you are today, and I know that you're going to carry on a legacy that has long been established here at the UAM College of Technology at Crossett.”

A video recording of UAM-CTC’s commencement ceremony can be found on UAM’s YouTube channel, UAMonticello, here.
