UAM To Host Tree Dedication and Educational Program for Arbor Day

UAM To Host Tree Dedication and Educational Program for Arbor Day

Tree Planting Presentation

The University of Arkansas at Monticello will host a tree dedication and educational program on Thursday, April 27, in observance of Arbor Day.

The hour-long program will begin at 2 p.m. at the Centennial Clock Tower on the Monticello campus. A host of experts from the UAM College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources (CFANR) and the Forestry Division of the Arkansas Department of Agriculture will speak during the program.

Dr. Peggy Doss, chancellor of UAM, will address UAM’s commitment to Tree Campus USA. Kristine Kimbro of the Forestry Division will speak about the urban tree grant program available through the Forestry Division of the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. Dr. Michael Blazier, dean of CFANR, will present on the value of urban trees for communities.

During the tree planting, Dr. Blazier, Harold Fisher of the Forestry Division and students enrolled in the UAM silviculture class will demonstrate how to select a tree species and site, how to score tree roots and how to plant, mulch and stake a tree. Fisher will also cover post-planting tree care, such as watering, pruning and fertilization.

Food will be served during the program, and interested parties are invited to join the UAM silviculture class after the ceremony to add mulch to additional trees on campus.

UAM has achieved recognition as a Tree Campus Higher Education institution since 2012. The Arbor Day Foundation recognizes colleges and universities that promote healthy trees and engage students and staff in the spirit of conservation. There are five core standards for effective campus forest management which include the establishment of a campus tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for the campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and the sponsorship of student service-learning projects.

For more information, contact the UAM College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources at 870-460-1052.
