UAM Staff Collaborate To Prevent Gender-Based Violence

UAM Staff Collaborate To Prevent Gender-Based Violence

UAM Student Success Center

A team of three professional staff members from the Division of Student Engagement at the University of Arkansas at Monticello were selected by Jana's Campaign, a leading non-profit focused on gender-based violence prevention, to present a compelling session entitled "Enhancing Victim Services: A Collaborative Approach" at The Heartland Campus Safety Summit hosted at the University of Kansas (KU) in Lawrence, Kansas.

Terri Richardson, director of Student Health Services, Laura Hughes, director of Counseling Services, and Sydney Gavin-Herron, coordinator of Student Conduct/deputy Title IX coordinator, delivered the session on November 16. The UAM team presented an engaging and informative roundtable discussion that featured an overview of the institution’s collaborative approach to addressing and preventing incidents of gender-based violence. 

The Heartland Campus Safety Summit was held on the KU campus at the Burge Union and was attended by representatives from institutions across the United States. Presenters shared valuable insights, drawing from their diverse backgrounds and expertise to address the multifaceted challenges surrounding gender-based violence.

Jessica Foxworth, associate vice chancellor for Student Engagement and dean of Students, said, “The collaborative educational and outreach initiatives facilitated by this UAM team are uniquely designed to increase awareness and help reduce gender and relationship violence. Presenting at this conference was an amazing opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the country, obtain new ideas and expand on best practices. The Division of Student Engagement at UAM is student centered and dedicated to holistically educating students to overcome stereotypes, improve relationships and reduce violent behavior through continuous programming and intervention efforts.”

Jana’s Campaign was founded in 2009. According to its website, it is "a national education and violence prevention organization with the single mission of reducing gender and relationship violence.”

For more information on UAM Title IX policies and educational opportunities, contact (870) 460-1353.
